About Me

My photo
I Reside in NJ with two sons and husband. The Youngest of 5 siblings and by far the most intelligent. ha ha. I like to try and see the fun and funny side of things. Being the only woman in the house , this is an absolute must to keep any level of sanity. I love my home and family. On the flip side, meeting new people and discovering what lies in their hearts' is fascinating to me.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Put a little pep in your skincare step

Something to think about:
At age 30 your skin's collagen begins to break down ...like a crumbling brick wall over time. Need some new building blocks of skin care?
Try the new Jordan Essentials Multi Peptide Serum with Vitamin C!
Peptides are amazing cutting edge anti aging gems! They help replace lost collagen and then actually stimulate cells to make more!
Formulated with Vitamin C to brighten and enhance the Peptide power!

Visit my webstore or contact me directly to learn more.

Kathy Miranda
Check it out:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Blessings Unlimited with Dawnmarie

A long time networking friend of mine recently delved back into the world of direct sales. I know how she got started because I had been invited to browse just one of the parties she hosted. Truly, I fell in love with so many items. Made a purchase from the party and was very pleased. When I heard she would be adding this to her life, what else could I do but host for her. Geographically impossible to do it in my home since she is many states away, I will be doing an online/book party.
Take a gander at her FB fanpage. Just click the on the title to be redirected. I bet you will love what you see.
Oh, and please let her know Kathy sent you. This way if you fall in love with any of her items and have the need to have them, she can make sure the credit goes to moi. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

Benefits of Alpha Hydroxy-Skin Care

AHAs are a collection of compounds made from familiar food products. Among the most widely known are glycolic acid (from sugar cane), lactic acid (sour milk), malic acid (apples), citric acid (citrus fruits), and tartaric acid (wine grapes).

Alpha hydroxy acids are great exfoliators and increase blood flow to the skin, so they can help to minimize fine lines and wrinkles.
Other potential skin care benefits include lightening of dark spots and a reduction in the appearance of blackheads and acne.
Subtle improvement gives skin a fresher look.

alpha hydroxy acids are generally safe for many people, though those with sensitive skin, rosacea, or seborrheic dermatitis may be more likely to get a rash.
It is highly recommended to use a good sun screen while using an AHA product.

To learn more about the proper use of or to try on The Jordan Essentials Anti Aging mask contact
Kathy Miranda

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Benefit Night

****Big NEWS****
Please, please come!
Help raise money for the Heather Newman F...und!
Therapeutic Touch has gotten together with TGI Fridays for
FEBRUARY 9th from 5pm-10pm!
Print this flyer and bring it for dinner 20% of your check will support these two beautiful little girls!
I will be at the Hazlet Location where I will be running a 50/50 every 2 hours. I will also have my massage book with me for anyone who wants to participate in my February Fundraiser that night. Massage Services booked in February mention this fund I will donate 25%.
****Thank you so much to ALL of you who have helped and supported the fund****See More
Monthly Specials
By: Therapeutic Touch by Kathy, LLC

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ladies Lunch Super Bowl Sunday ONLINE Shopping Party

The first Ladies Lunch
Online Super Bowl Shopping Party

Let the boys have football we can have online shopping but just in case you want to watch the game the doors to our shopping party open early!

... To shop our many online stores please visit our Virtual Mall at
or click the title above the emblem at the top of this post.

Go to the Super Bowl Shopping Party tab and start shopping.

Here is a list of online stores and businesses that have already been added to the party:
Ultimate Pet Care
MCS Productions
Willow House
Send Out Cards
Jordans Essentials
Mary Kay
Initials, Inc.
The Jersey It Girl
Dove Chocolate Discoveries
On The Jersey Shore
Celebrating Home
Allie N Me Designs

More stores and businesses to be added today and tomorrow for you to shop!!! Check back at http://ladieslunchnj.ning.com/
to see what has been added.